Monday, March 12, 2012

Into the Breach

For my first project I decided to do something simple.  Something that I could complete with relative ease and something not too time consuming.  This way if it failed miserably, I could say I tried and not feel bad about spending tons of money or my life on it.  Chock it up to experience and move on.

So while on Pinterest, I spied lots of vases with silk flowers in them as centerpieces.  Now, normally I don't go for things like that, but something about a simple square glass vase spoke to me.  I then had an idea. My bridal bouquet has been hanging around, doing nothing but collecting dust for quite some time now.  It has moved with us from home to home and never really had a spot.  In our last place it was hanging in the closet and in our new home it had found a space on the top of a bookcase.  It was too big to really be displayed anywhere, but I wasn't going to throw it away.  I got the flowers in silk so that I could have them forever.  So, I decided then to deconstruct my bouquet and repurpose it into a centerpiece.

A trip to Michaels and 20.00 dollars later for a square vase and I was ready to begin.  I removed all the flowers from my bouquet along with the blue ribbon as well.  I left the ivy on the holder to take off as I needed.  There was a lot of it and I didn't end up using every bit.  I then proceeded to position the flowers in the vase, making sure that it looked the way I wanted from every angle.  I added the ivy and ribbon around the main orchids and roses. I did have to reposition a couple of items once everything was in the vase, but some deft maneuvers with chopsticks made short work of those minor issues.  I also made sure to keep all the flowers inside the vase.  My cats are curious and I didn't want to come home to all my work being destroyed.

All in all I was very happy with the results.  I had some extra flowers left over, so I grabbed a small vase from the dollar store and arranged the remaining ones in it.  I really like the height difference between the two vases and I think they work really well together as a set.

In total I only spent about 21.00 dollars.  But more importantly, I survived my first taste of crafting and I survived it with success.  This has given me the confidence to move onto complicated projects.  I have been bitten by the crafting bug!

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