Thursday, April 26, 2012

Steam Punk House Number Time!

We have been living in our house for just over a year now, and we bought numbers to go on the front at the very begining.  Yet, they never seemed to make it actually onto the house!  I think it was becuase I wasn't very satisfied with them.  They were pretty, but there was a lot of room on the plate and that made it look...well...naked!  Finally last month I had a plan.  I wanted to steam punk our numbers!

So at the begining of last month I ordered some small watch type gears on Ebay.  Then I waited.  They had to come from Florida, so I waited and continued to wait.  Finally last week they arrived and I had a project to do for Sunday!

Basically, I took our exisiting numbers and then placed the gears in a diagonal pattern across them.  This filled up some of the empty space, but did not fill it up so much that a) it looked too cluttered and b) you can still read the numbers.  Once I was happy with it, I started to glue the gears down.  Initially I figured I would hot glue them all, but I started off with the first one and the glue dried so quickly I couldn't place them in time!  So I settled for super glue.  It dried quickly as well, but I could still place them as I wanted.  Although some of them did "fall" where I didn't want them.  Once that happened, they were there for good.  So I just worked around those ones and varried my design as I went.

All in all I am happy with the results.  Not sure why this picture is sideways, but it won't rotate for me!  You get the idea though.  It is very simple, subtle and it's exactly what I wanted.  It wasn't too difficult either, but it did consume more time than anticipated.  I also had a casulty of a super glue finger print on my brand new nails!  Luckily that stuff dries clear!

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