Thursday, March 29, 2012

Everything that involves cream cheese is good!

I had seen this recipe on Pinterest and I couldn't resist.  Those that know me know that I have a weakness for anything with cookie dough in it!  So when I found a Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Dip recipe I knew I had to try it!  Plus it involved cream cheese, so it was a win-win. 

I didn't put in as much icing sugar as it called for since I didn't want it to be too sweet (see my cupcake post regarding the frosting) and I also used dark chocolate semi sweet chips.  Be sure to whip the sugar in very thoroughly; you don't want sugar crystals in your dip!  I may want to increase the brown sugar a bit next time, just to give it more of a cookie taste. 

It turned out fantastic!  I was so happy with the results and my hubby was too.  It tasted almost exactly like cookie dough!  I served it with Honey Teddy Grahams.  I also have a recipe for a Brownie Batter Dip that I may want to try....

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